Native American Stories

Tales From the Longhouse
Native American Winter Storytelling Festival

Perry Ground (Turtle Clan, Onondaga) shares tales from the Longhouse during the Winter Storytelling Festival, "Sharing Our Stories", at the National Museum of the American Indian on January 18, 2010.

How The Rabbit Got a Short Tail
Gregg Howard tells this story in his traditional Cherokee way of Native American storytelling.

The Invisible Warrior
A Native American legend about a powerful chief and the way he eventually finds a beautiful wife. Often compared to the story of Cinderella, this rags to riches tale holds an emphasis on good, honest morals conquering all evil.

Tuscarora Picnic Videos

Highlights From 177th Tuscarora Picnic July 12 & 13,...
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Iroquois Video Clips

A general introduction of the Nooherooka Fort site...
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Chief Oren Lyons Video Clips

Chief Oren Lyons Video Clips Oren Lyons on The Doctrine Of Discovery...
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